GURUDWARA SHRI PATSHAHI NAUVIN is situated in Kurukshetra City on Jhansa Road. SHRI GURU TEG BAHADUR JI visited here during his malwa tour via Talwandi Sabo, Dhamtan Sahib, Kaithal and Barna. Alongwith GURU SAHIB was his family and other followers. Thanesar Mahadev's shrine which according to the Vedas is even older than the temples of Kanshi and Haridwar. He sat on the edge of the shrine and preached Sat Dharam to the people. SHRI GURU TEG BAHADUR SAHIB JI was the first saint to use his future gifts for the benefit of the people. Install wells on wells everywhere. The place of SHRI GURU TEG BAHADUR SAHIB JI, the protector of religion, is magnificent on the banks of Thanesar Mahadev shrine..
Jhansa Road, Kurukshetra City, Haryana, India